MIS Micro Finance Module

Online and Custom Loan Management System

Loan and lending is a profitable business in current economic environment. Lenders must need loan management software to track information such as due installments, payment collection, current balances, interest and penalty calculation etc. The customizable and flexible nature of our loan management software means you can create masters for lending type, set the interest rate, payment modules, lending type and many more.

QuickBalanzze offers web based Loan Management Software and IT services to resolve lenders problem. Our technical, financial and engineering team continuously adds new features and reports in the software.

Features of Micro Finance Module

  • Add employee details to the system
  • Add Mortgage Details, Item Wise
  • There are two loan type have to maintain
  • Monthly loan
  • Weekly Loan
  • Loan type wise rules
  • Monthly
  • Weekly loan
  • Apply Interest for the loan module
  • Consider time for the late payment and apply surcharges for the loan
  • Manage customer records
  • Loan set off function
  • View loan outstanding
  • Generate Invoice for the monthly deduction
  • Loan approve function
  • Web based Lending Management Software
  • Create lending type
  • Penalty and grace period settings
  • Set interest rates for different lending
  • Easy installment deposit


  • Loan payment Invoice
  • Loan outstanding balance details report
  • Loan history details
  • Loan deduction details
  • Payment collection reports
  • Current balance status report